
Nutrition Brigade, a novel venture for tackling various nutritional challenges

Nutrition Brigade is a unique concept envisaged by District Ayurved Officer Vadodara that functioned with help of Food & Nutrition department and students of MS University. The whole project was designed to develop a sense of responsibility among children about their own nutritional status as well as of their fellow persons. 60 schools of Vadodara district were covered in this project. The whole project was designed in the following way: Round 1: Sensitization of students and assessment of nutritional status of school children of the selected schools. Round 2: General Knowledge, Health and nutrition questionnaire were given to the selected children of Round 1. Round 3: 10 students who have topped round two from each school were selected. Instant topic for debate and discussion were to be given to them and on that basis four students from each school (two boys and two girls from 9th and 11th standard each) will be selected for Nutrition Brigade per school. They would be declared as Nutritional Ambassador and thus to form Nutrition Brigade. Training workshop will be arranged for Nutrition Brigade to prepare them as change agents so that they could lead their school, their neighborhood towards proper nutrition with Holistic approach.


Sudhir V Joshi

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