
Master Tung�??s Points and advances in fascial plane anatomy

Recent advances in fascial plane anatomy have demonstrated a high degree of overlap between the meridians and myo-fascial lines. Taking a functional anatomy perspective, we can come to better understand the actions of acupuncture points. Master Tung’s points and diagnostic systems have become very popular in the last 10 years, and for good reason. These groups of points are very powerful, and can quickly treat even the most difficult disorders. The functions of these points can be better understood through the functional anatomy of the fascial lines described in Anatomy Trains by Tom Myers. According to fascial line anatomy, there are eight primary planes consisting of the Superficial Front Line, Superficial Back Line, Lateral Line, and four arm lines. The Superficial Front Line (SFL) corresponds closely with the stomach meridian, and the Superficial Back Line (SBL) mirrors the urinary bladder meridian. Similarly, the Lateral Line (LL) runs a similar course as the gallbladder meridian, while the Deep Front Line (DFL) relates to the three leg yin meridians. By taking a fascial and anatomical approach to understanding Master Tung’s points, and acupuncture points in general, we can increase our understanding of distal needling actions and indications. The fascial line theory presents a firm anatomical basis for many phenomena observed with acupuncture therapy. Through grounding our understanding in anatomy, and current fascial research, we can begin to develop a stronger scientific consensus on the physiological basis of how acupuncture works. This has great potential for increasing our treatment protocols and outcomes.


James Spears

Abstract | PDF

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