
Ayurveda medicine in general practice

Ayurveda is an indigenous system of medicine which is popularly practiced in Indian subcontinent. It is also becoming familiar to America and Europe and accepted as a scientific system of medicine as this is having strong evidence base and recently also being well documented in India. About 2/3 of world population is having the opinion that to address the present challenges in health care system, regarding the non-communicating diseases management, especially the present conventional system is not sufficient, rather we should have an integrated approach with traditional system of medicines like Ayurveda, Yoga, Homeopathy, Siddha, Unani, etc. Ayurveda medicines are usually cost effective, safe and affordable and also people friendly. Life style disorders, non-communicable disorders, psychosomatic diseases   can be treated in a better way than conventional system alone. In that perspective, an integrative approach is a better option to treat the disease. Diseases like Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Osteoarthritis, obesity are few diseases which are chronic and need prolonged treatment. Ayurveda medicines are safe even in prolonged course of treatment.  So, in this scientific era, it is better if integrated medicine is practiced to address the non-communicable disorders.


Shripathi Acharya

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